
Genealogy - Getting Started

 I first became interested in genealogy when I was in 4-H, middle school age.  There was a project called "Family History Treasure Hunt".  My grandmother was and still is very into genealogy and family history, I knew a lot about my mother's side of the family.  I knew less about my dad's side.  I take that back, I didn't know less, I just didn't have fact to back it all up.  My dad is quite the story teller!  The 4-H was a great project to take to get started.  I still have my book and though it looks a little different I think you can find it here (  Family History Treasure Hunt ) through the Ohio State Extension Office.  This book provided a great guideline to get started.  It also provide something I still use to this date, a pedigree chart.   A pedigree chart  tracks your individual family history back through time . Every person listed on the chart is directly related to you: This is because you start with you as the focus individual, then go back a gen


My name is Marie.  I'm from a small Ohio town in southeastern Ohio.  I learned a lot growing up there.  I spent 10 years in Columbus, 4 for college and stayed after starting my professional career there.  I've settled in Cincinnati with my husband.  We recently adopted two quarantine kittens who act more like dogs than your stereotypical cat.  The blog name comes from an old Ohio slogan... Ohio - The Heart of It All.  A dated slogan the of state but my favorite one.  The claim is that Ohio resembles a heart, which I agree it does.  There's also a lot to do in Ohio.  We've got amusement parks, beaches, professional sports, college sports, parks and more. This past year has been strange for everyone worldwide.   Never in a million years did most of us see a pandemic coming.  There was a lot of heartbreak, sadness and tragedy that came with it.  We were separated from loved ones.  I know for me it took a huge toll on what’s important in my life.  It was no surprise to me t